1. Create the page connection between the trial Web page, ProcessMaker and Act-on (Rene and Maria’s Team)
2. Manage scripts and generate workspaces (Maria’s Team)
3. Manage the workspaces process creation (Maria’ Team)
4. Create and update the templates and workspaces (Maria’s Team )
5. Manage the scripts to delete the expired workspaces (IT)
5.1. Policies to generate the backup's(Gus)
6. Review the workspaces templates (QA-Maria’s Team)
7. Manage the enterprisetrial2 server (IT)
7.1 Manage the password for ProcessMaker (Maria’s Team )
7.2 Maria’s Team will have access to the ProcessMaker code
8. Upgrade to the new version (IT)
8.1 Marco will provide the steps needed once the upgrade has been performed.
9. Generate new licences (Maria’s Team)