Joomla site that connects with ProcessMaker via Rest API. The project is about requesting a Visa. The user request a visa from the joomla site, adding all information, then the information is sent to ProcessMaker, creating a case with all that information via rest, once the requestor finishes filling out all forms, it is created an account for the user to check if his/her request status. Below it is presented the custom form that we did for this PoC.
Process Explanation
The process start with the Requestor, "Enter PRP" task. Once the form is submitted it goes to "Accounting Approval" task. The user for this task is "Charlotte Leo". In this task there is a form that it has two dropdowns, if the case is rejected, it gets back to requestor. If the case is approved then it is enabled another dropdown which has two options. The first one is "Send to purchasing", if this option is selected the case will be routed straight to "Purchasing Approval" task. The second option is "Send to Supervisor / Budgetary", if this option is chosen the task will go to "Supervisor Approval" task. In this "Supervisor Approval" task, in the form the there are two dropdowns, the first one is "Supervisor Approved" which it has two options, the first option is "Supervisor Rejected", if this options is selected the case will get back to the Requestor, if the second option is selected, then it enables the second dropdown called "Budget Approval User" which it pulls all user from the group called "T_PRP_Budget Approval". There is selected a user and the case goes to "Budget Approval" task. However if the selected user is the same that completed the task "Supervisor Approval", the case automatically is skipped and routed to "Purchasing Approval" task. In the "Purchasing Approval" task ends the flow and once finish the case, sends an email to notify to the Requestor that his request has been successfully approved.
In every task we send email notifications, to let the user know, that he/she has to interact with the case.
Process Flow
Visa check process, the requestor creates a case from the Joomla site and then it has to approved or reject the request from ProcessMaker. Once the case is created then it is routed to Operator, the credentials for the operator is Operator1/sample, and the decides wheter to approve or reject, if it is approved the case finishes, in the other hand the case is sent to supervisor task, the user that has to perform this task is Supervisor1/sample.
Process Flow
Joomla Site & User Access
Apply For Visa | bsystems | bs1234 |
Processmaker Admin & User Access
Admin Access | admin |
bs1234 | ||
Apply For Visa | applicant | app1234 |
Operator | Operator1 | sample |
Supervisor |
ianSupervisor1 | sample |