Tickets analysis and prioritization

The following tickets has been reported and are been considered for resolution in the next sprint.

TicketSolution Complexity (Estimated)Ticket StatusPO PriorityNotesĀ 
ED-100 the "new section" frame have a scroll vertical and horizontal




ED-101: when I change the size of the window of browser the frame "Create a new Section" appear without borders




ED-102: Some formats does not saveMEDIUMREADYTO DEFINEPotentially complex solution if we need to change the data structure from HTML to other JSON based one.
ED-104: Is difficult select some elements (in some cases more of one click) and also appear a error javascriptMEDIUMCRTO DEFINE
ED-105: (Create New Section) Label of duplicated name is incorrectSIMPLEREADYTO DEFINE
ED-106: when we created a new section, the dropdown is not correct its working.MEDIUMREADYTO DEFINE
ED-107: We must standarize the font family among the buttons of the modulesMEDIUMREADYTO DEFINEPart of the bootstrap framework, recommended not to work this item
ED-108: if the process, its design is very big, should use a page in mode horizontalCOMPLEXREADYTO DEFINE
ED-109: (Delete) The label should be display the item name that the user wants to deleteSIMPLEREADYTO DEFINE
ED-110: when I use the link button and the "Target = none or new window" option then we can not go back, where was frame of easyDocCOMPLEXREADYTO DEFINECant fix without server side routing.
ED-111: When I write in its summary for a text annotation, the text writed not appear in documentMEDIUMREADYTO DEFINE