Cloud Upload Configuration

How to configure Serf with plugin CloudUpload to send files from a Dynaform to an external filesystem, in this case, an MS Sharepoint site.



Cloud Storage Integration to Sharepoint:

1 Register PM for oauth2
• Visit the unlinked oauth2 screen and register (url/oauth2/applications)

  • Create New Application → Any website → no need for Description or Callback → Register Application

• Get Client ID / Client Secret

2. Deploy and configure serf in host machine
• Download xx/colosa/serf from Bitbucket
• Create .env from .env.example

• Copy cloudupload plugin into storage/plugins/processmaker

• run composer install on /serf
• run php artisan key:generate
• Edit .env with MySQL credentials to blank Db
• Edit .env with redis url and any credentials
• Edit .env by adding these variables with ProcessMaker credentials:

PROCESSMAKER_CLIENT_ID=XXX (as obtained in step 1)
PROCESSMAKER_CLIENT_SECRET=YYY( as obtained in step 1)

• composer update on /serf
• php artisan migrate on /serf

This part is now obsolete as of 02/2019 per Taylor's Serf driver update. Instead refer below (step 4) for instructions on how to configure the new serf plugin.

• Edit config/filesystems.php, add clouduploads-sharepoint entry as per below

'clouduploads-sharepoint' => [
 'driver' => 'sharepoint',
 'url' => '',
 'host' => '',
 'username' => '',
 'password' => 'processmaker'

composer update on serf dir (as sudo)

• install supervisor sudo pip install supervisor
• edit /etc/supervisord.conf with program as below:

command=php /home/ec2-user/apps/serf/artisan queue:work  --tries=3

• run supervisord from terminal.• To ensure supervisor keeps the process running at all times, create a cron job entry to force restart the job every 30 minutes, or as needed. Edit /etc/crontab adding */30 * * * * username /usr/local/bin/supervisorcrtl restart all. Mind the actual username and bin path.

3 Install serf helper plugin in PM
• Copy plugin folder to workflow/engine/plugins
• either setenv REDIS_HOST or edit asynchelper.php directly on line 44, to redis server URL
• no password in AWS elasticache case, but must be in same security group
• mv asynchelper.php up to plugins folder
• another sudo composer update (should create vendor dir, or mkdir maually)
• In PM -> Admin -> Plugins -> Plugin Manager, find and Enable

4. Configure the Azure Application in order to allow the serf driver to connect via MS Graph API.

The new Serf plugin based on MS Graph needs an Application Secret and an Application ID. Plus, you need to enable API access into MS through these Application credentials an proper permissions. Follow these instructions to obtain the credentials and enable access:

  • Go to and log in with the target MS credentials (⚠️ Microsoft will change App Registration steps, so this guide will need to be updated as well!!)
  • Click on Add an App, and create an Application.
  • Make note of the Application ID displayed under Properties.
  • Under Application Secrets, generate a new Password. Copy it.
  • Save the Application
  • Visit
  • Click on the Azure Active Directory section link in the left hand menu
  • Under Manage, click on App Registrations
  • Click on the Application you created, to open its Registration details.
  • Undell Call API, click on View API Permissions
  • Under API Permissions, click on Add a Permission
  • Click on Microsoft Graph and add these two Application Permissions:  File.ReadWrite.All and Sites.FullControl.All
  • Click on Grant Admin Consent

5 In-Process use
• Upload using Multiple File Uploader control in Form
~make sure worker is running with Supervisor or call manually with php artisan queue:work on serf dir~ replaced with supervisord, see above
• After dynaform, call in trigger as follows:

 'app_doc_uid' => @@mFilePhoto[0]['appDocUid'],
 'version' => @@mFilePhoto[0]['version'],
 'destination_path' => '/UploadedFiles/' . @@sharepoint_path_photo,
 'app_uid' => @@APPLICATION,
 'variable' => 'strSharepointURLPhoto',
 'route' => false,

• Mind the mFile var name.
• The manual path is /list/filename.ext
'variable' is a @@ string that will hold URL path to file in SP