Demo Script
This is a prompt to perform an action or do something.
This is text you should say.
This is something you should insert with your own information.
Demo Script
Show the login screen
Sound very enthusiastic
Hello! My name is First Name + Last Name. I work in the department name department.
Can you please confirm that you are able to see my screen? You should see the ProcessMaker login screen.
Log into ProcessMaker
Navigate to the DESIGNER menu
This page displays a list of all processes that you have access to view and modify.
For the purpose of this demo, we are going to create a new process and show you how you can use ProcessMaker to quickly build & automate your business process.
Move your mouse to hover of the + New sign on the top left corner
So, to create a new process in ProcessMaker, I am going to click on the plus sign, right over here, on the top left corner of the screen.
Click on the button
Now we need to give our workflow a name - we can call it Purchase Approval Process.
Fill in the name Purchase Approval Process. Leave the description and category fields blank. Do NOT address them.
So now we can click on the create button.
Process Map
Wait for the spinning to stop. Then immediately click on the x of the little demo GIF to dismiss it. Do NOT mention it.
Then delete the starting task that is preloaded on the process.
Now that we have our process map, we can start building out what we want our workflow to look like.
We have a number of different business process elements that we can use, right over here on the top toolbar menu.
Now, before we start building out a workflow, we want to first setup the different roles and define who will participate in the workflow.
Therefore, we are going to use Pools and Lanes.
So, first of all, I am going to bring down a Pool.
Drag down the Pool element
Now let's name the Pool the same name as the process.
Type in Purchase Approval Process
Great. Now let's add the Lanes so that we can distinguish between the different roles that will be participating in the workflow.
Drag down 2 Lanes. The first you will call Requestor and the second you will call Approver.
Ok. Now that we have our process sectioned out so that we can visually identify where the workflow goes to based on the different actors in the process, we can start building out the actual workflow.
I just want to point out that so far, we have only made visual changes to the workflow that do not actually impact the functionality. Later we will define the users and how and where they participate in the workflow.
Ok. Now, in order to start building out our process, we first need a Start Event. Start Events tell the workflow engine that the workflow can start from this point in the process.
So, let's drag down a Start Event.
Drag down a Start Event to the Requestor Lane
Now that we have the Start Event, let's use the shortcut to drag out a Task.
Click on the Start Event and drag out a Task that appears after clicking on the Start Event. Make sure the Task is located in the Requestor Lane.
And let's name it Make Request.
Name the Task Make Request
So there are a few different types of Tasks that I would like to point out here.
If we right-click on the task and look at Task Types...
Right-click on the Task and hover over Task Types
We will see that there are a number of Task Types available to choose from.
Hover over the User Task option
The first one that I would like to mention is the User Task. This Task indicates that a human being will be the one actually executing this Task. This can be in the form of a webform or some other type of manual Task.
Hover over the Script Task
The second one that I would like to mention is the Script Task. This task allows you to run a script that might process some data and reformat it for a specific purpose.
Hover over the Service Task
And then finally, and this one is my personal favorite, we have the Service Task. The Service Task makes use of our Connector feature which allows you to connect to a third party REST API to pull or push data. So, this with this Task Type, you are able to easily connect to third party services.
So, for our purposes, we will select the User Task.
Click on the User Task
Now we want to create the second Task, that we will use for the approval step.
Drag out the Task from the Make Request Task to the Approver Lane
Let's rename the approval task to Approve Request
Rename the Task to Approve Request
Let's also make this task a User Task, since a person will be approving it, therefore it is a manual, human task.
Right-click on the Task and select Task Type and then User Task
Now we want to be able to route the workflow in 2 different ways. One for the scenario of the workflow being approved, and one for the scenario where it is rejected.
In order to do that, we will use a Gateway. Gateways are used to create decision points in the workflow which allow the process to flow in different directions and different ways based on the decisions made within the Gateway.
So let's drag out a Gateway...
Drag out a Gateway from the Approve Request Task
And then let's create 2 paths: the first will be the happy path - if it is approved, it will terminate with an Approved Status.
Drag an End Event from the Gateway to the Approver Lane
If the request is rejected, then we want to loop the workflow back to the original requestor for them to review why their request was rejected. Perhaps the approver might leave some comments or feedback for the requestor to make some changes or gather more information and then resubmit it again.
Drag the connector line from the Gateway to the Make Request Task. Fix any lines that don't look right.
Now we have the skeleton of what our process looks like. This is the basis of what we will build on as we go through the demonstration.
I'd like to pause here and ask if there are any questions that I can answer.
Make sure to pause until you either receive a question or you are told by the prospect that they do not have any questions at this point
Ok. Great. Now for the next part of the demo I would like to show you our powerful form builder functionality.
Hover over the Dynaform menu in the Process Objects
In order to create a Dynaform, I click on Dynaforms over here on the right hand side of the screen.
People often ask us what are Dynaforms. Well, Dynaforms are essentially web forms. We called them Dynaforms because they are Dynamic Forms - hence DynaForms.
Click on the Dynaform menu
Now let's click on the Create button
Click on the create button
Now let's give our form a name, let's call it Request Form
Type into the name box, Request Form
Now let's click on Save & Open
Click on the Save & Open button
Now we can see the form editor. On the right hand side we have our canvas. This is where we will see the raw version of the form while in design mode.
So, let's get started building out our form!
I am going to start off with the Title. Every form needs a title, so let's give ours one.
Drag the H1 title over to the canvas and then let it go
Select the H1 title on the canvas
Now let's select our title and change the text
Change the text for the label to Request Form
Notice how you can see the changes reflected in real-time. This is helpful for when you are designing your form so that you can see the feedback as you make the change.
Next, we are going to add a textbox.
Drag over a textbox control to the canvas
Now we can see that we are prompted with another screen. This screen is where we can either define a Variable, or choose a Variable that we have previously created. In this case, we have not created any Variables, so let's go ahead and create a new one.
We can call it First Name.
Type into the Variable Name box FirstName
Then click on Save