IO Server Docker Containers
IO Server Docker Containers
IO server is owned by sales engineering (SE). SE is in charge to maintain it. It is used to host all POC's and Projects that SE considers could be really good stuff to demo it.
SE uses docker to maintain it, so with this tool we have created many containers. Which are described below.
Nº | Container Name | ID | URL | Host | Description |
1 | processmaker31new | 667d4cbfe7af | poc.processmaker.net | PM 3.1.2 | POC server is used to host all POC's that SE develops, and it is always up to date with the last version of ProcessMaker. |
2 | processmaker31new | 667d4cbfe7af | https://poc.processmaker.com | PM 3.1.2 | POC server is used to host all POC's that SE develops, and it is always up to date with the last version of ProcessMaker. |
3 | timesheets | 043fd1880057 | timesheets.poc.processmaker.net | PM 2.x | Server to host processes develop in PM 2.x, currently we have there a projects that is called timesheets. |
4 | projectspm | 183eb22babad | projects.processmaker.net | PM 3.0 | Projects server is used to host some projects that sales uses to demo. |
5 | joomlalabs | ce1e8b179832 | joomlabs.poc.processmaker.net | Joomla | Server that contains joomla that it was installed for integration with Rest to Processmaker. |
6 | angularpm | 3697d2086624 | pmangular.processmaker.net | Angular | Server that containes angular integration with Processmaker. |
7 | joomlaPMSideInt | b84c76fab468 | pmjoomla.poc.processmaker.net | PM 3.0 | ProcessMaker instance to integrate with Joomla. |
8 | joomlaSidePmInt | e4dde0bff028 | pmjoomla.processmaker.net | Joomla | Custom Joomla site hosted, that it integrates with Processmaker via rest. |
9 | drupalpm | 60a696c3aed0 | pmdrupal.processmaker.net | Drupal 8 Dev | Installed Drupal 8 dev, it has a module that integrates Drupal with Processmaker. |
10 | salesbundle | f6f1f1a9ee21 | https://sales.processmaker.com | PM 3.2 | This server contains the bundle for all sales reps. It is always up to date with the last version of PM. |
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