Trial Dockerization POC

Trial Dockerization POC


Establish a mechanism to deploy a PM Enterprise trial instance based on the most recent version of ProcessMaker found in a single official Docker repository.


Establish a secure and of less effort mechanism to deploy and maintain trial instances of PM Enterprise. The actual mechanism is managed by support and there has been identified improvement opportunities regarding security, maintenance, and lead management to be overcome before the responsibility of trial server returns to SE.

Action Steps

TimingStepsAsigneeJira TicketStatus

Create Docker image ENT 3.3

Gustavo Romero (Unlicensed)


Establish a single / private official Docker Repository of ProcessMaker ENT 3.3 (With Bundle Processes & Empty Instance) as production release

SE members to pull docker image/ Test/Recreate bundle processes on 3.3.SE SE-254 - Getting issue details... STATUS DONE

Create a landing page to capture lead information, instance name and trial type (ENT 3.2.2 with Bundle Processes, Empty Instance or ENT 3.2.3 Empty Instance)

Establish a mechanism to receive information from landing page described above to deploy trial with 30 day license - Date Sept 7thGustavo Romero (Unlicensed)

Establish a mechanism to send information from landing page described above to deploy trial - Date Sept 15thJose Maldonado SE-439 - Getting issue details... STATUS DONE

Establish a mechanism to extend trials instances for 30 days

Establish a mechanism to backup and remove the created ProcessMaker trial instance after 30 days of creation

Please add any obstacles, responses or aditional information as follow ups on the Jira Tickets