Change of Major (aka Academic Program)

Change of Major (aka Academic Program)


Summer Becker/Joy Youngman

Creation date


Last revision date





Web Entry


Higher Ed


This process allows students to submit a request for a change of major through a public URL (web entry). After the student submits the form, the change of major request is reviewed by the Academic Advisor and either approved or rejected. Finally, the student receives an email notification telling them about the outcome of their request.

Here a presentation video:




Context: Typically, students will request a Change of Major via a form or in a face-to-face appointment with their Academic Advisor. In this process, a student can submit a request to change their program of study (which can include change of minor, change of concentration, and other elements of their program of study) on a web form from their student portal. We will demonstrate this as a change of major request.

  1. To start the process as a student from a web page on their phone, computer, etc. Browse to the Sommerlin University Forms Portal webpage: https://pm-sales-engineering.s3.amazonaws.com/sommerlinlanding/index.html locate the Change of Major in the quick links at the top or the Change of Academic Programs in the list of forms mid-page.

    1. Use any ID number from https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1u0P3M9GYyPJbJ-CxgCQYLAMY27rCG-9r8IvbS_aUZC4/edit?usp=sharing

    2. Use Sommerlin’s email address with the +alias of the student’s name (e.g., Sommerlin+studentname@processmaker.com)

    3. Features seen here: (Talk about these items)

      1. Screen builder - drag and drop form builder. This form is built in a “low code” format, without any integration, so student must complete all fields.

      2. Integration options -

        1. Single Sign On

        2. API integration to datasets

  2. Close browser.

  3. Log in to the Instance URL: https://universitydemo.pm4trial.processmaker.net/ using the “Advisor” persona.(Get user name and password from 1Password). Talk about how Advisors are working in the platform on a regular basis and would log in daily. We could also configure this so that the Advising office receives an email that a change of major form has been submitted.

  4. Once logged in as Advisor (Arthur Artois)

    1. Note that Arthur could also initiate the request on behalf of the student - in the case that the student visits the Advisor’s office and they are doing it together. Both steps are combined in this format:

      1. Click +Request in the top right of the screen

      2. Choose Change of Major

      3. Note that this form is slightly different than the one the student submitted - it says “On Behalf of Student…”

      4. The logging in the system captures that the Advisor submitted and approved the form.

    2. But for the student who submitted remotely - Note the Red circle/dot on the notifications in upper right. Click on it - show the most recent Major Change Request.

    3. Scroll down on Arthur Artois (Advisor) dashboard to the “Ongoing Requests” section, show that it is in there as well.

    4. Click from either notifications or “Ongoing Requests” to review the task.

    5. Enter some notes.

    6. Click Submit and tell the audience that this task is being sent to the Registrar’s office.

    7. Log out as Advisor

  5. Log in as “Registrar”

    1. Talk about the task in the notifications

    2. Review the request, talk about “Low code” user has to enter data into SIS and then indicate it has been completed before submitting.

    3. Talk about integration opportunities. (API, CSV import,etc.)

    4. Click the slider to indicate the task is complete

    5. Click the Complete button

  6. Browse to your Email filtered for your Sommerlin emails: Show that the system sent emails to the student, letting them know that their major change had been processed.









Instance URL: https://universitydemo.pm4trial.processmaker.net/

Start request from portal as student: https://universitydemo.pm4trial.processmaker.net/webentry/50/node_9

Internal start and/or review as “Advisor”

Complete process as “Registrar”


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