Department Leave Request - DNU

Department Leave Request - DNU


@Pablo Palacios

Creation date


Last revision date


12/01/2023 - by @patricia.cabero (Unlicensed)






Higher Ed


This process is replaced by the Request for Leave process, that includes the option for the HR manager to start a leave request on behalf of the employee.

The department leave request process allows the user to submit a leave application for an employee in their own department. The system will then automatically assign the employee's manager the task to review the leave request and either approve or reject it. 



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The department leave request process allows the user to submit a leave application for an employee in their own department. The system will automatically assign the employees manager the task to review the leave request and either approve or reject it.

To start an application log in as Jessica Parker and click on the department leave request button. In the request form, select from the list of employees the employee who is taking the leave and the leave type. The request will automatically obtain the employee’s approver and the employee’s email.

In the leave information section choose if the leave is going to be taken in days or in hours and provide the necessary information accordingly. If the days option is selected the request will automatically calculate the number of days the user is taking.

Lastly, add a reason for further clarification and click on the submit button. Alternatively you can click on the cancel button to immediately cancel the request and close it.

Once you submit the form, the employee’s supervisor receives an email with the provided information and the link to open the review form. The review form shows the supervisor all the information submitted and in the approval section they can choose to either approve or reject the leave. They can also add some remarks to further explain their decision. After submitting the review form a final email is sent to the employee and the requester informing about the final decision.

The department leave request process makes the job of asking leave of absence within our department easier, allowing us to choose only people from our own department and automatically finding the corresponding manager.



Start request from portal: https://universitydemo.pm4trial.processmaker.net/

Requester: Jessica Parker

Credentials: Engage / 1Password — Password Manager for Teams, Businesses, and Families

Employee we ask the leave for: Andrew Artois

It’s not necessary to log in as Andrew. An email will be sent to him with the confirmation/rejection

Manager: Donna Chin

Credentials: department.chair / 1Password — Password Manager for Teams, Businesses, and Families

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