Create Student Charge

Create Student Charge


Summer Becker

Creation date


Last revision date





Web Entry, Intermediate Web Entry, Student Lookup


Higher Ed


This process allows users (Staff or Faculty) with permissions by a University to create a charge to a student. The process begins with the Create Student Charge form, it is routed to the Bursar’s office for review and entry to the SIS. Then the student is notified about the charge after the Bursar form is submitted. After the notification is sent, the process is completed.
Here a presentation video:


Web Entry or ProcessMaker Request
Email Notifications
In-App Notifications
Dashboard Requests
Approval routing via Workflow

Demo Video


Start the process using a web entry form at this URL: Create Student Charge Request
Mention that the URL could be behind SSO and only those users with access would be able to use the web entry point of access based on their permissions.

Also mention that the request could be started by logging into ProcessMaker and creating a new request.

Select a student from the drop down list. Mention that the students information can pre-populate if we are connected to the student information system via API, or data import, or through a script. Otherwise, a low-no code version would be that the student’s information would be entered manually.

Type in any number for the account code; use the “Fee” type for $100.00 and charge on a day in the future.

Login as Bursar (credentials saved in 1Password)

Show that the Bursar starts using a custom dashboard which is built with our screen builder.

Show that the task for the Bursar shows in the Notifications in the upper right hand corner. Click on the bell icon to show the task in the list, but Do not click on the task at this time!

Show that the task for the Bursar shows in the dashboard under “Ongoing Requests” Mention that there is a section for both Open and Closed Requests.

Click on the notification icon and then click on the task from there. This will open the task directly to the form.

IF YOU Click on the task from the Ongoing Requests, you’ll have one extra click to get to the form! The task list appears with a link to the task name. Click on the task name to open the form.

Note that our example is demonstrated with integration to pull in student data to populate a form, but the institution or department may elect to manually enter the information into the student billing system. This is a business decision when creating the workflow. In this case, the bursar has elected to manually enter the charge as a precautionary step, but they wanted an acknowledgment by the user (and a record in the audit log) on who made the change in the System.

They then click the Submit button to send the email to the student. The system automatically sends the email, the user does not have to do that step.

You should receive an Email notification in your email. Show the email that the student received.





Start request from web entry/portal: https://universitydemo.pm4trial.processmaker.net/webentry/71/node_12


Internal start as Engage/Admin user

Approve as Bursar

Building blocks


Process Map





Saved searches

Custom UI


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