Declaring a Major or Second Major

Declaring a Major or Second Major


@Juan Carlos Yujra / @Ethan Presberg (Unlicensed)

Creation date


Last revision date





Higher Ed



Summary: With this process a student declares a major or second major and minor/concentration. It routes to their Academic Advisor who reviews the information and has the option to send the request back for more information, Approve the Request, or Decline. If Approved, the request is routed to the Registrar’s Office for approval and entry into the Student Information System. Once entered/submitted, an email is sent to the student.

Here a presentation video:


  • The Process starts with a web entry form which can be embedded in the University’s website or portal and can be connected to Single Sign-on (SSO).

  • As the students may not have access to the ProcessMaker platform, the request can be sent from the University’s websites if the process is embedded in a landing page or another system.

  • For that reason, the process starts with a web entry.

  • The student declares the major, selects the approver, and when the student submits, the system sends a notification to the advisor for approval. 

  • The system returns the approval’s request to the student.

  • The student receives an email to open the request

  • If required, the student should add missing information and send the notification back.

  • If the request is rejected, the system sends an email to the student  informing the rejection.

  • If the request is approved, it goes to the administrator 

  • Then, the administrator registers the major’s declaration in the erp system

  • At the end, ProcessMaker sends an email to the student informing the request’s approval and its registration in the erp system.

Demo Video



Start the process as a Student who clicks on the URL from the University’s website or portal page. Tell the audience that if connected to Single Sign-On (SSO), it can authenticate the User and capture their information.
Declare a Major or Second Major
This process is demonstrated with a non-integrated or low/no-code approach.
Enter in any number as a student ID, a student name and use the email of “sommerlin+studentname@processmaker.com” (use the name of the student you type into the form)
Fill in your choice of the fields on the form - but always choose the Advisor as “Andrew Artois”
Sign - talk about the Signature capabilities. Also talk about how if using SSO, can capture the students' authentication that way and may or may not need a “Signature” Some institutions may like a Signature on the form as it reinforces the importance.
Submit the form

The workflow behind the scenes sends an Email notification to the advisor. Go to your email and show the Email received.
Log in to the Instance URL: https://universitydemo.pm4trial.processmaker.net/ as “Advisor” using the 1Password credentials.
Note that there is the in-app Notifcation - click on the bell and show the task there in the list at the top.
Scroll down the dashboard, show elements of the dashboard
Show the task in the On-going tasks list.
Click on the task from the Notifications which will display the information that the student submitted and allows the advisor to add notes/comments and then either Send the request back, approve it or deny the request.
Type in comments “Met with Student, provided degree plan. Approved.”
Click Approve.
Tell the audience that the workflow sends the request along to the next step which is the Administrator step.
<<COMPLETE when remediations are done>>




Instance URL: https://universitydemo.pm4trial.processmaker.net/

Advisor Group Users

Andrew Artois (advisor) Credentials in 1Password

Administration Group Users

Hunter Williams

Username: hunter

The password for all sample users are set to Sample123




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